Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996
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A live report on the man-made disasters flooding sunny, apocalyptic Puerto Rico.


This time around, there are no blue FEMA tarps anywhere. To get a tarp to cover your house, because it is leaking, because your second floor disappeared, you have to get the US Corps of Engineers to come and certify it is true, yes you don't have a roof. They give you a piece of paper and you to go FEMA and they say OK, now we'll get the Corps of Engineers to put it on your roof because you need Corps of Engineers level skill to put a tarp on your roof. So they don't exist. FEMA is a huge mess here.

Our Man in San Juan, Dave Buchen reports on life in post-Maria, mid-FEMA, mid-debt, mid-colonial Puerto Rico, where disaster relief is just another creditor, the mayor is drunk and too worried about Donald Trump, and the best thing you can do is help Puerto Ricans directly - and even if that isn't enough.

Dave last reported back two weeks ago that he was fine, and screwed. He still recommends giving money to Radio Vieques if you can.

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Dave Buchen

Dave Buchen has been living in Puerto Rico since the previous century. There he home-schools his two kids and makes theater with Theater Oobleck and El Teatro Barbaro, and plays music with La Banda Municipal de Makula Barun.


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