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Awake in Paris: Nuit Debout's search for a democratic alternative.


People are starting to wake up and realize it's not just one law, but the whole system of representative politics and liberal democracy that has failed, and we need to create an alternative. That's really what's behind the Nuit Debout movement. What's happening in France right now is this awakening and need for direct democracy.

Occupy Wall Street organizer Marisa Holmes reports on the growing French social movement Nuit Debout - as a direct response to the growing authoritarianism of the country's established Socialist Party, and as larger attempt to restore the promise of direct democracy to the politics of everyday life - and explains why the movement's growth (and international potential) is triggering the types of repression from authorities experienced by Occupy in the US and social movements abroad.

Marisa reported on Nuit Debout from Paris in her Truthout piece The Spirit of Occupy Lives on in France's Emerging Direct Democracy Movement.

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Marisa Holmes

Marisa Holmes is an artist, activist and director of the Occupy Wall Street documentary All Day All Week.


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