Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996
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A report on struggle and solidarity along the #Balkanroute.


A lot of the time it's organization that's not particularly popular among polite bourgeois society - they see people sewing their lips together on hunger strike and think 'these are the people we're supposed to be letting in?' And my answer is yes. These are my brothers, there are the people I want to be fighting next to in a struggle for a fair and just society.

Antidote Zine's Ed Sutton returns from a DIY refugee aid mission in Serbia, and he reports on the crude, arbtitrary bureaucracy facing people at checkpoints across Europe, explains why he suspects state responses will soon move from control and detention to deportation, and talks about the complicated, messy work of aiding people fleeing war and trauma.

Ed just published the essay O Balkan Pioneers: Anatomy of an Escape Route at Antidote Zine.

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Ed Sutton

Ed Sutton is musical instrument builder by trade, lives in Switzerland and writes about radical urban and social justice movements at Antidote Zine.


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