Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996
New interviews throughout the week
Episode 957


Jun 18 2017

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Joshua Murray

Understanding capital's class war on Detroit labor.

Sociologist Joshua Murray explains how capital manufactured the Detroit auto industry's long decline - as managment of the Big Three adopted anti-union policies that hamstrung production and flexibility in the face of Japanese and European competition - and why we miss the truth about the story when we believe class warfare is only waged against capital.

Josh is co-author of the paper "Collateral Damage: How Capital’s War on Labor Killed Detroit" for the journal Catalyst.



Nancy MacLean

To protect capitalism from democracy: On the right's revolutionary plan for America.

Historian Nancy MacLean examines the libertarian right's revolutionary plan for America - from an ideological capture of think tanks and the Republican party, to its blueprints for a society stripped of social programs and remaining democratic influence over capital - and explains why we're in the middle of that plan, and how we could see its devastating endgame in a constitutional convention.

Nancy is author of the book Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America from Viking Books.



Tasos Sagris

Not a struggle for the refugees, but with the refugees: Anarchism at work in Greece.

Live from Athens, cultural activist Tasos Sagris discusses the political and social work of anarchists in austerity-era Greece - to provide support and mutual aid to the victims of capitalism and war, to defend the people from fascist and state violence, and to build and occupy the framework for a new, horizontal society, against capital, and for each other.

Tasos and Void Network were featured in the New York Times article Anarchists Fill Services Void Left by Faltering Greek Governance.

Interview Transcript via Antidote Zine



Nazia Kazi

On the politics of class and complicity in an age of anti-Muslim surveillance.

Anthropologist Nazia Kazi examines the modern mechanisms of surveillance and policing turned against Muslims in America - from the bipartisan growth and maintenance of Islamophobic policies for half a century, to liberalism's attempts to divide Muslims against each other, and towards service of America's racial and imperial order.

Nazia wrote the article Against a Muslim Misleadership Class for Jacobin.



P.E. Moskowitz

The neighborhood becomes a bank: How gentrification kills cities.

Writer Peter Moskowitz explores the legal and corporate mechanisms of gentrification in American cities - as a class project between the government and capital that empties neighborhoods of the poor and working class - and calls for a politics that finally addresses housing as a human concern, not a matter of speculation and profit.

Peter is author of the new book How to Kill a City: Gentrification, Inequality, and the Fight for the Neighborhood from PublicAffairs.



Jeff Dorchen

Not saying a few things about mental illness and shooting Republicans.

In a Moment of Truth, Jeff Dorchen thinks but doesn't say a lot of things about violence after that shooting up of Republican baseball practice the other week, from the warm-up possibilities of swinging a rifle in the on-deck circle, to the realities of martyrdom for the GOP senators before they finish their divine task of mass killing via health care legislation.

Read the transcript here
