Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996
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Hammock and sickle: A lazy argument for Socialist Leisure.


We will not invest our time into mastering a trade. We will not devote our lives to contributing labor to a company or a municipality or, god forbid, a government, against the empty promise that it will support us with a pension in our old age. Simply put: we will not devote. Governments, companies and municipalities have earned nothing but our distrust, and we owe them nothing more.

In a Moment of Truth, Jeff Dorchen returns to the principles of the Socialist Leisure Party - defending the cause from busybodies on the right and left, explaining what Kenny Rogers just didn't understand about risk, and making the case for taking a permanent smoke break from our jobs refilling the shrimp station in the nightmarish casino of global capital.

Read the transcript here

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Jeff Dorchen

Jeff is a visual artist, songwriter/musician, actor, essayist, fiction writer, poet, playwright and screenwriter. He's been a playwright, songwriter, and performer with Chicago's Theater Oobleck since 1988, a writer and actor with Red Baron Films since 2000, and a contributor to This Is Hell! since 1996. He currently lives in Los Angeles. He writes the Substack, Right Twice A Day. 

Right Twice A Day


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