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The Good Enough Momfluencer: Disavowing maternal fantasies is easier said than done / Sophie Lewis

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There's a foreclosure of any recognition that something structural might be on the table, as one might aspire to a collective mass desire to overhaul the private nuclear household and its role within a class society, its role within a wage society; that there are certain things that are implicitly, completely unchangeable. […] Because of that naturalization of everything as it currently is, you get the impression that [Peterson] is unintentionally getting quite close to recognizing the kinship between liberalism and fascism and the way that liberalism historically has no defenses against fascism whatsoever.

Writer, theorist, and recovering academic Sophie Lewis returns to Hell to discuss her Baffler article, “The Good Enough Momfluencer: Disavowing maternal fantasies is easier said than done.”

The article is a review of the book, “Momfluenced: Inside the Maddening, Picture-Perfect World of Mommy Influencer Culture,” by Sara Peterson. Peterson’s website says she writes about feminism, domesticity, and motherhood. Peterson also writes a newsletter about the myth of the ideal mother, ‘In Pursuit of Clean Countertops.’

Read Sophie’s article:

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Sophie Lewis

Sophie Lewis is a writer, speaker, teacher, and recovering academic.


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