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Killing Labor Power under the Guise of Inflation Reduction / Hadas Thier This Is Hell!

Day 232 milton friedman  2781775572

Capitalism cannot survive as a system based on human need. I say that not as a hateful answer. It is quite hopeful, actually, to put in our minds that we can have a vision of a different kind of society and economy. We absolutely should tinker with the current system. It will not disappear without a fight. So we have to fight for reforms. Those are absolutely critical reforms. But we have to be clear that every reform that benefits working people will be at the detriment of corporate profits. And corporate profits are what makes this system tick. So we have to fight for a system that is different, a different economy, one that is not controlled by the one percent. That is not an easy solution, and I do not have a simple solution for how to get there. But we need to keep this vision in our mind, to strive for something that is fundamentally different and something that benefits all people in the long term. So we don't have to have these fights day in day out to get what we need.

Hadas Thier returns to the show to talk about her recent In These Times article "A Left Answer to Inflation."

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Hadas Thier

Hadas Thier is an activist and writer.


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