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Older generations are handing us a dying world: With the Youth Climate Strike.


We need to recognize that this is a crisis. And we need to treat it like a crisis. Declaring a national emergency would allow the country to implement policies that take immediate action. Looking at the Green New Deal - yes people call it ambitious, radical, utopian - but if your children's futures were in danger, if their lives were at risk, wouldn't you do anything and everything in your power to save them? That's what the Green New Deal is. You have to ask for a lot to even get a little.

Student activists Anya Sastry and Isabella Johnson report on Friday's Youth Climate Strike, and the fight for the future ahead - from the surge in youth activism sparked by Parkland and years of inaction of adults in power, to the movement's demands for immediate implementation of the Green New Deal, while there's still a world left to save.

Anya and Isabella are state leads of Climate Strike Illinois and organized and marched in last week's Youth Climate Strike.

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Anya Sastry

Anya Sastry is an Illinois State Leads for the U.S. Youth Climate Strike.



Isabella Johnson

Isabella Johnson is an Illinois State Lead for the U.S. Youth Climate Strike.


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