Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996
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The tale of a hundred and one Wellbutrins.


There is something pure and good about Wellbutrin, or bupropion hydrochloride. Something that keeps me perceiving the world and processing information in a way that prevents me from losing my place in society. I suffered for this place in society. It's not a spectacular place, but it is an advantageous place, considering where some people end up. The story of Cruella DeVille and the hundred and one Wellbutrins is heartbreaking. How can someone be so greedy and selfish and obsessed as to recklessly seek to take from me what I need to make my life go relatively smoothly? Eh?

In a Moment of Truth, Jeff Dorchen spins a tale of depression medicine, Canadian pharmacy problems, Indian pill packaging, debit cards, work related travel, mental illness, grammatical innovation, Disney villains, empathy, the social order, and the stack of pills (just barely) keeping everything in its place.

Read the transcript here

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Jeff Dorchen

Jeff is a visual artist, songwriter/musician, actor, essayist, fiction writer, poet, playwright and screenwriter. He's been a playwright, songwriter, and performer with Chicago's Theater Oobleck since 1988, a writer and actor with Red Baron Films since 2000, and a contributor to This Is Hell! since 1996. He currently lives in Los Angeles. He writes the Substack, Right Twice A Day. 

Right Twice A Day


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