Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996
New interviews throughout the week
Episode 964

Universal Basic Outcome

Aug 5 2017

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Charles Derber

From a tide to a flood: On universalizing resistance to capitalism.

Sociologist Charles Derber examines the current rising tide of anti-capitalist consciousness in the context of similar movements of the 19th and 20th century, and explains why the fractured, post-1960s left can find unity and power in challenging the grip of capitalism on our consciousness, and on the possibilities for society in the future.

Charles is author of the book Welcome to the Revolution: Universalizing Resistance for Social Justice and Democracy in Perilous Times for Routledge.



Laurie Penny

All politics are identity politics: On class and consciousness, today and tomorrow.

Writer Laurie Penny discusses inseparable nature identity and politics in a time of online male fragility and IRL existential precarity, and explains what the left can learn from Hunter S. Thompson and Andrea Dworkin about recognizing bias and oppression in this world, as we dream about other, possible worlds in our future.

Laurie's collection of essays, Bitch Doctrine: Essays for Dissenting Adults is out now from Bloomsbury.



Michael Roper

How craft beer's vertical integration could kill the beer bar.

The Hopleaf's Michael Roper reports on the latest developments in craft beer capitalism - from Sapporo's acquisition of Anchor Brewing, and the larger consequences of finance and buyouts in the industry, to the ways the brewery-owned pub boom could kill the traditional beer bar as we know it.



Kevan Harris

Building the martyr's welfare state: On social policy in Iran.

Sociologist Kevan Harris examines the construction and growth of the welfare state in post-1979 Iran - as a long-term, bottom-up development strategy that transformed Iranian society without the influence of US aid, and the catalyst for an upwardly-mobile professional class now challenging the state for political power.

Kevan is author of the book A Social Revolution: Politics and the Welfare State in Iran from University of California Press.



Lucas Koerner

Understanding what the opposition opposes in Venezuela.

Caracas-based political analyst Lucas Koerner examines the motives and methods of Venezuela's right-wing opposition during the current economic and political crisis - as a persistent, insurrectionary threat to the stalled Bolivarian revolution, and a violent example of the lengths neoliberal, Western-backed reactionaries will pursue to seize power in Latin America.

Lucas co-wrote the recent articles 7 Dead as Venezuela Violence Escalates and Is Venezuela’s Attorney General Biased Towards the Opposition? for Venezuelanaysis.
