Wendell Potter and Nick Penniman use the failures of Obamacare to illustrate how lobbyists and billionaires rigged American politics against the common good, and outline a series of practical reforms happening in local governments to separate personal wealth from political power, and return control of the nation's democracy to its citizens.
Wendell and Nick are authors of the new book Nation on the Take: How Big Money Corrupts Our Democracy and What We Can Do About It from Bloomsbury.
Educational and public policy scholar Erica Meiners explores the boundaries sex offenders face in re-entering economic and civic life post-incarceration, and explains why current legislative and criminal justice policies fail to reduce crime or recidivism rates, and how communities and activists are rethinking harm reduction and safety policies, on their own terms.
Erica wrote the In These Times article We’re Rethinking Prisons. Is It Time to Rethink Sex Offender Registries?
Journalist Jenna McLaughlin explains why the FBI's new, "disruption" based method of performance reporting obscures both the reality of threats the country faces and the orgainzation's policies and effectiveness in preventing them, and reports on the surveillance stakes behind the FBI / Apple phone hacking battle.
Jenna wrote about the recent articles FBI Won’t Explain Its Bizarre New Way of Measuring Its Success Fighting Terror and FBI Director Admits Apple Case Could Be a Game Changer at The Intercept.
Sarah Leonard and Bhaskar Sunkara explain why the current economic landscape - of crippling debt, starved social programs, general existential precarity - has young activists looking beyond mainstream party politics for both the tools of organizing, and the type of future they want for themselves and the rest of the world.
Sarah and Bhaskar both edited and contributed to the essay collection The Future We Want: Radical Ideas for the New Century from Metropolitan books.
Educator Dierdra Reber explores the ascendant emotional dimension of modern cultural, political and economic action, and explains capitalism's role in the triumph of feeling over reason as the catalyst for global culture and what both Obama's tears and Leviathan's frontispiece tell us about our understanding of the world around, and within, us.
Dierdra is author of the book Coming to Our Senses: Affect and an Order of Things for Global Culture from Columbia University Press.