Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996
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Episode 1128

Extinction Rebellion's apolitics

Feb 13 2020

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Colin Kinniburgh

Climate change is not 'beyond' politics: The problem with Extinction Rebellion's apolitics.

Journalist Colin Kinniburgh examines the apolitics of Extinction Rebellion - as the protest movement claims to pursue goals "beyond politics," it risks succumbing to the errors of previous depoliticized environmental movements - vague demands, ambiguous methods and an inability to articulate, let alone demand, a better world for all people.

Colin wrote the article Can Extinction Rebellion Survive? for Dissent.



Jeff Dorchen

Against the best life: On time and energy at the end of the Human Millipede.

In a Moment of Truth, Jeff Dorchen rails against the people living their best lives, and makes the case for an average, footprintless, minimally destructive life spent humbly shirking work, and sleeping and dreaming and stealing our time back from the Human Millipede we call civilization or the economy or whatever.

Read the transcript here
