Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996
New interviews throughout the week

Fourth of July 2017 Playlist



Happy Birthday, USA. Here's a look back at your first 241 years!


Andrés Resendéz - Uncovering the other slavery: A history of Indian enslavement in America.



Ibram X. Kendi - On the origins, and persistence, of racist thought in America.



Alan Taylor - A new understanding of America's unruly, divided and limited revolution.



David Sehat - Fundamentally flawed: Dispelling modern myths of America's founders.


Paul Pillar - Why American exceptionalism survives its own failures.



Andrew Bacevich - Imperial mire: A new history of the American century at war.



Kevan Harris - Immigration, integration and the myth of the European bootstrap.




Marjorie Spruill - How Christian conservative women built a movement outside feminism - and inside the GOP.




Kevin Kruse - One notion under God: The corporate roots of modern American Christianity.




Carol Anderson - A history (and present) of White rage in the face of Black advancement.





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