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Organization of american states  oas   53844897164

The OAS (Organization of American States) was created in 1948. Over the course of its history, it has been deeply aligned to the White House agenda. Nevertheless, in the previous administration of the Secretary General, Miguel Insulza, who served in the Organization of American States from 2005 to 2015, the Secretary General, Miguel Insulza, maintained a balanced approach, and he condemned Israel, Israel's military actions, and also supported United Nations calls for a ceasefire during the 50 day Gaza war in 2014. And under this administration, the states that belong to this organization were able to condemn the actions of Israel. Now [the OAS] completely silencing them.

Center for Economic and Policy Research's Francesca Emanuele on her article, "Gaza Is Causing Diplomatic Rifts in the Western Hemisphere: The Organization of American States’ pro-Israel stance may erode its legitimacy in the region," at Foreign Policy.

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Oct 14 2019
Oct 11 2019
Posted by Alexander Jerri

Here's what we read this week.


For Saturday's show:


Waste Only: How the Plastics Industry is Fighting to Keep Polluting the World - Sharon Lerner / The Intercept

Situational Breakdowns: Understanding Protest Violence and other Surprising Outcomes - Anne Nassauer / University of California Press

Law Without Future: Anti-Constitutional Politics and the American Right - Jack Jackson / University of Pennsylvania Press.


Extra Reading:


Can you hear me? - Greta Thunberg / Communists in Situ

Immigrants as a Weapon: Global Nationalism and American Power - Yasha Levine / Substack

The Reactionary Heartland Is a Myth - Matthew E. Stanley and Paul M. Renfro / Dissent

Basic income bows to the master - Ana Cecilia Dinerstein / openDemocracy

The voice from the black hole - Sam Kriss /

More Than A Wall Corporate Profiteering and the Militarization of US borders - Todd Miller / Transnational Institute

Everything Must Go - Whitney Curry Wimbish / The Baffler





Episode 1074


Sep 21 2019
Posted by Alexander Jerri

Listen live from 9AM - 1:00PM Central on WNUR 89.3FM / stream at / subscribe to the podcast


9:20 - Journalist Sharon Lerner investigates the global environmental disaster of plastic waste.

Sharon wrote the article Waste Only: How the Plastics Industry is Fighting to Keep Polluting the World for The Intercept


10:05 - Sociologist Anne Nassauer examines power and violence in political protests.

Anne wrote the book Situational Breakdowns: Understanding Protest Violence and other Surprising Outcomes for Oxford University Press.


11:05 - Law scholar Jack Jackson explains how the American right seized power beyond law.

Jack is author of the book Law Without Future: Anti-Constitutional Politics and the American Right from University of Pennsylvania Press.


12:10 - Former autoworker Thomas Adams explores a history of concession and class betrayal from UAW leadership.

Thomas wrote the article A tale of corruption by the United Auto Workers and the Big Three American automakers for Monthly Review.


12:45 - In a Moment of Truth, Jeff Dorchen wonders if it's worth having heroes.