Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996
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All things in common: On the possibilities of life after capitalism.


The first step is to become more independent for our means of reproduction - food, houses, health, education, care, ecology - these should be our primary struggles. Because it is by holding a monopoly on the means of reproduction by capital, that they can blackmail us. Our struggle, as many feminists and eco-feminists have been telling us for years, should be to fight for autonomy and independence of our way to reproduce.

Political economist Massimo de Angelis looks beyond the escalating human and environmental disasters of capitalism, and towards a social transformation in which we pry the means of production from capital's grasp, and reclaim our labor in service of the needs of all humanity and the earth itself - while we still have time.

Massimo is author of Omnia Sunt Communia: On the Commons and the Transformation to Postcapitalism from Zed Books.

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Massimo de Angelis

Massimo de Angelis is an author, professor of political economy at the University of East London, and founder and editor of the web journal The Commoner.


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