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The whole system is imploding: A report from the French election.


The two main parties are almost out of the race, their future is very uncertain after the election. I think it's the whole system which is imploding in France - a system resting on deep inequality, authoritarianism, a political class totally detached and out of touch with ordinary folks - all of that is there.

Live from Paris, political scientist Philippe Marlière examines the shifting, chaotic French elections - from the waning of traditional centrist party power in the face of popular anger towards the establishment, to the domestic and Europe-wide stakes of the contest - and warns that even a Le Pen loss signals a far-right gain in political power.

Philippe wrote the article French tragedy or farce: the 2017 presidential election for openDemocracy.

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Philippe Marliere

Philippe Marlière is a Professor of French & European Politics at University College London and op-ed writer for The Guardian, Le Monde and Mediapart.


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