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Cashing in on the moral bankruptcy of fiscal conservatism.


Can it really be the case that these ostensibly civilized 21st century Westerners believe that a child born to rich parents deserves a better education, more nutritious food, more secure shelter and better healthcare than a child born to poor parents? Talk about entitlement mentality, This is a very good example of something for nothing, because let's face it - a newborn child contributes absolutely nothing to society.

Jeff Dorchen defends those with the least - long a punching bag of fiscal conservatism - by suggesting far more useful punching bags, such as babies, gladiators, terrorists, leech-like financiers, the everturning wheel of karmic economics, and the most punchable of all punching bags, NPR's vacationing, baguette chewing flagship anchor Robert Siegel.

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Jeff Dorchen

Jeff is a visual artist, songwriter/musician, actor, essayist, fiction writer, poet, playwright and screenwriter. He's been a playwright, songwriter, and performer with Chicago's Theater Oobleck since 1988, a writer and actor with Red Baron Films since 2000, and a contributor to This Is Hell! since 1996. He currently lives in Los Angeles. He writes the Substack, Right Twice A Day. 

Right Twice A Day


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