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Defunding the Police and Abolition as Forms of Democracy / Sonali Kolhatkar

Defund abolish redistribute the police   black lives matter   sit in   occupy bay street   college street   toronto police headquarters   june 19  2020   creative commons  50026675442

Economic and racial differences determine your opinion of the police simply because policing and prisons disproportionately impacts people based on their demographic. If policing and mass incarceration were indeed a system that was purely a means of enforcing the law and justice, then the responses to it would be basically spread out very evenly but they're quite disproportionate.

Sonali Kolhatkar, author of “Rising Up: The Power of Narrative in Pursuing Racial Justice”, joins us to discuss her new book “Talking About Abolition: A Police-Free World Is Possible”, published by Seven Stories Press.

Sonali Kolhatkar’s website:

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Kolhatkar sonali bio

Sonali Kolhatkar

Journalist, activist, and artist, Sonali is the founder, host, and executive producer of Pacifica’s  popular weekly program Rising Up With Sonali which airs on KPFK and KPFA and also as a TV show on Free Speech TV.


She is the author of Rising Up: The Power of Narrative in Pursuing Racial Justice (City Lights, 2023) and the racial justice and civil liberties editor at YES! Magazine. She is also Senior Correspondent and Writing Fellow of the Independent Media Institute‘s Economy for All project and was formerly a weekly columnist at Truthdig. Sonali is also the founding Co-Director of the Afghan Women’s Mission, a US-based non-profit solidarity organization that funds the work of RAWA.


Her earlier book, co-authored with James Ingalls, is Bleeding Afghanistan: Washington, Warlords, and the Propaganda of Silence (2006, Seven Stories). She lives in Pasadena with her husband and two sons.