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Demonizing Opioids Has Unintended Consequences / Ann Neumann


Capitalism has decreased quality of life. It has given us needs that aren't real. It has befuddled us with crazy schedules and crazy distractions. It has given our overlords great power, whether they're our bosses or our legislators. I think that addiction has always been with humans, but what prevents us from addressing it is our lack of political will, our distraction, and our inability to, as individuals in the society, create change.

Ann Neumann returns to This is Hell! to discuss her Baffler Magazine article, "Pain and Suffering: Demonizing opioids has unintended consequences." "The Moment of Truth" follows the interview.

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Ann Neumann

Ann Neumann is the author of The Good Death: An Exploration of Dying in America. Her work has appeared at Harper's magazine, The Baffler, The Guardian and elsewhere. Her work has been supported by the Economic Hardship Reporting Project and, most recently on issues in Ethiopia, The Pulitzer Center. She’s at @otherspoon.


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