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The Kingdom of Private Equity / George Scialabba

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Private equity is very good for people who, who can game the system as expertly as these people do. They know the tax laws to a jot in a tittle…It's really just a big siphon from the population at large to the top few percent of the income distribution.

The Baffler's George Scialabba on his latest article, "Kudzu: The kingdom of private equity."

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George Scialabba

George Scialabba is a contributing editor at The Baffler as well as an essayist and critic. He has published four essay collections: What Are Intellectuals Good For? The Modern Predicament, For the Republic, and Low Dishonest Decades (all available from Pressed Wafer). His writing is archived at, where you’ll also find his email address and an invitation to write him about anything you read there that interests you.