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Our Ailing Bodies under Late Capitalism / Jennifer Lunden

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The capitalism we have in America isn't good for any of us. None of us is wired for this level of frenetic, stressed activity, and we're focusing on the wrong things. If we're focusing on acquiring stuff or making as much money as possible, we're missing what's most critical to health and wellbeing, which is being able to be in the moment.

Writer, speaker, and ecofeminist Jennifer Lunden joins This is Hell! to discuss her new book, American Breakdown, Our Ailing Nation, My Body's Revolt, and the Nineteenth-Century Woman Who Brought Me Back to Life, out now from Harper Collins.
You can learn more about Lunden and her work at her website.

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Jennifer Lunden

Jennifer Lunden is a writer, speaker, and ecofeminist. Her writing has received numerous awards. She and her husband, the artist Frank Turek, live in a little house in the city, where they keep several backyard chickens, two cats, and some gloriously untamed gardens. Her most recent book, American Breakdown: Our Ailing Nation, My Body's Revolt, and the Nineteenth-Century Woman Who Brought Me Back to Life is now available from Harper Collins. You can learn more about Lunden and her work at her website.