Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996
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Breaking up the old world: On prison uprisings and self-emancipation.


The whole system should be condemned. The whole system gotta go. There can be no 'advising' the state. Ordinary people have to arrive on their own authority and establish their own self-government and hold the reins of society, if we are going to have a new society based on the principles of mutual aid and cooperation, and not greed and exploitation.

Assistant Public Defender Adofo Minka on prisoner uprisings in St. Louis and across the United States, and their connection to the larger struggle of oppressed people against the violence of life under the ruling class, and his article Spirit of Self-Emancipation Continues to Rise at the St. Louis City Justice Center for Black Agenda Report.

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Adofo Minka

Adofo Minka is an Assistant Public Defender at the public defender’s office in St. Louis City.


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