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Anti-indigenous violence and neoliberal backlash in post-Evo Bolivia.


The day Evo stepped down, Camacho put the bible on Bolivia's national flag and said that the Pachamama would never enter the government palace again. It's a very clear statement that these indigenous beliefs and these indigenous traditions that infuse Bolivia in a very fundamental way are no longer welcome in governement.

Live from Cochabamba, journalist Jacquelyn Kovarik explores the political reality of post-Evo Bolivia - after the removal of president Morales from power, indigenous Bolivians are facing racist violence from the reactionary right, and a renewed reactionary surge against the social economic policies that challenged inequality and privatization during Evo's time in office.

Jacquelyn wrote the article Bolivia's Anti-Indigenous Backlash Is Growing for The Nation.

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Jacquelyn Kovarik

Jacquelyn Kovarik is an independent journalist.


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