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Episode 1700

The Crime of Electronic Monitoring / Jacob Kang-Brown & James Kilgore

Feb 15 2024

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Jacob Kang-Brown, James Kilgore

The Crime of Electronic Monitoring / Jacob Kang-Brown & James Kilgore

Joining This Is Hell! today are Jacob Kang-Brown and James Gilgore to discuss the uses, abuses, and inequities of the use of wearable electronic monitoring devices in the US criminal legal system. Jacob co-authored the Vera Institute report, "People on Electronic Monitoring," with Jessica Zhang and Ari Kotler. James co-wrote the book, Understanding E-Carcertation: Electronic Monitoring, the Surveillance State, and the Future of Mass Incarceration, published by The New Press. A new "The Past Inside the Present" follows the interview.

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Jacob kang brown 0935 1 Kilgore james terri and lonnie barnes