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How the EPA's own poisoned politics failed to protect the people of Flint.


We've got hundreds, maybe thousands of schoolchildren who will never be able to read 'See Spot Run.' We have cases where people are having strokes in their eyes, because of the lead in their veins. There are people with shortened lifespans because of what happened in Flint. And no one has been charged with a crime. Explain that to me.

EPA whistleblower Marsha Coleman-Adebayo explains how the regulatory body allowed internal politics and outright negligence to turn Flint into a sacrifice zone, and ties the current crisis to America's long history (and present) of ignoring environmental threats to communities of color.

Marsha is an EPA whistleblower, and wrote the recent pieces Water crises like Flint's will continue until the EPA is held accountable for the Guardian and McCarthy and Snyder to Testify before House Oversight Committee on the Poisoning of Flint’s Children for Black Agenda Report.

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Marsha Coleman-Adebayo

Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo is an author, a contributor to Black Agenda Report and EPA whistleblower.


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